
6 Rf Online Item Drop

List Of 6 Rf Online Item Drop 2022. Item loot from various monster of rf online. 2) to set the desired number, depending on what you want.


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Rf Online Guide By Dan.

2) to set the desired number, depending on what you want. Replicated calliana archer replicated calliana crew replicated calliana artroc replicated assassin builder b replicated red had splinter: Item loot from various monster of rf online.

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All data & code © alpha optix rf online © ccr inc. The cash item drop, aka money drop, which everyone has pointed out with dissatisfation, has been made possible. Rf online guide by dan.

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Untuk membantu patriot rf mengambil barang dropan dari monster agar dapat menghemat waktu dan menjadi lebih efisien, pada update terbaru kali ini tentunya bakalan ada. From the keeper in the mine, jewelry falls for all races for 6 hours of. Discussion on rf online loot/item drop image within the rf online forum part of the mmorpgs category.

1) Place The File In The Folder Loot In.

Below, list of all monster in rf online: The controller of the device drops a part of the weapon of the herodian devourer. You can use weapon and armor level 65 when your level is 60.

Item Cs In Npc Ether Mail Actived Guild Honor Actived Gvg Actived Armor +2 Slot 5, Weapon & Shield +3 Slot 6 (Kecuali Armor Dewan Slot 7 Polos) Armor Ss 53 & Relic 45 +7 1.

I want ask if how to make and prevent items not salable into market npc? If you got a db. [drop] key of battle dungeon [store] key of battle dungeon.

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